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Tomorrow’s lab-grown meats

Students will analyze data from a graph in the Science News article "Dreaming up tomorrow's burger."

What Makes a Dinosaur?

This guide explores what it means to be a dinosaur, and features a classroom activity focused on real fossils.

Journey to the age of the dinosaurs

These discussion prompts cover the major groups of dinosaurs and their time on Earth, as well as how we study them today.

Rising Carbon Dioxide Threatens Lake Food Webs

Students will explore how rising carbon dioxide is threatening a lake food web, and will measure how the environment affects the heart rate of water fleas.

Surveying a sensitive ecosystem

These discussion prompts cover the pH scale, the solubility of gases, food webs and how organisms react to climate change.

The effects of ocean acidification

These questions explore past articles about ocean acidification in the Science News archive.

Carbon dioxide’s ecological footprint

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Rising CO2 threatens lake food webs" and an accompanying graph tracking pH.

SN 2017 Year in Review

This guide reviews the Top 10 scientific discoveries from 2017, as reported by Science News, with a focus on key concepts covered across scientific disciplines.

Boosting your background knowledge

These discussion prompts help students gain a better understanding of key vocabulary and concepts covered in the Top 10 articles of 2017.

Tracking the latest developments

Students will compare and contrast one of the Top 10 stories of 2017 with an earlier related article from the Science News archive.

Analyzing a top article

Students will read and summarize one of the Top 10 stories of 2017, as reported by Science News.

Mosses Tell Story of Retreating Ice

This guide connects the radioactive carbon-14 dating of newly exposed mosses in the Arctic to the bigger story of climate change.