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The languages of the fields

Students will define key science terms from a range of scientific fields using contextual clues from Science News articles.

Three steps to reproducible results

These discussion prompts ask students to define key science terms related to social science, experimental design and statistics, and to dig deeper into the methodology of experimental design.

Exploring the replication crisis in the social sciences

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Replication crisis spurs reforms."

DNA fingerprinting

In this activity, students will analyze simulated DNA data from different people to understand how such data can be interpreted and applied.

All about genes

These discussion prompts examine student knowledge of DNA and genes, and then explore DNA sequencing and gene therapy.

The human genome reviewed

Students will explore and compare articles about genomes in general, and the human genome in particular.

The stories in your DNA

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "An open book."

Cookieology: Experimental design 101

To explore the steps of experimental design, students will plan an experiment to make an ideal sugar cookie.

Pick your battles

These discussion prompts encourage students to put themselves in the shoes of researchers studying animal weaponry, by evaluating, proposing and mapping out an experiment.

Surveying animal weaponry

Students will explore articles about animal weaponry from the Science News archive.

Opioid data dose

Students will work individually or in small groups to study different parts of the CDC website on opioids and summarize their findings for the class.

When drugs and body meet

These discussion prompts cover the biology and chemistry of opioids and ask students to brainstorm strategies for preventing or reversing opioid addiction.