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Battle the plankton blooms
These discussion prompts ask students to design a strategy for minimizing or mitigating the effects of Arctic phytoplankton blooms for one group of people.
Explore volcanic eruptions, and their devastating aftermath
These discussion prompts explore volcanic explosivity and collapse, the ecosystem and health effects of eruptions and how to keep people safe during natural disasters.
Getting to know the periodic table
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "The periodic table turns 150."
Wading through drinking water systems
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Drinkability."
This guide covers drinking water contaminants and technologies that may be used to treat drinking water in small communities.
Tainted Supplements Flood the Market
This guide explores dietary supplements available in the United States and the regulations surrounding them.
Evaluating wellness claims
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Tainted supplements flood the market."
Replication Crisis Spurs Reforms
This guide covers experimental design, social science surveys, statistics and the importance of reproducible results.
Tomorrow’s lab-grown meats
Students will analyze data from a graph in the Science News article "Dreaming up tomorrow's burger."
Exploring the replication crisis in the social sciences
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Replication crisis spurs reforms."
Reflections past and present
These discussion prompts encourage students to reflect on their own academic progress, on the state of science and on the concept of reflection in physics.
Exploring Emmy Noether’s life
Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Emmy Noether's vision."