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A Nobel timeline in tweets

Students will track the scientific progress associated with a discovery or advance that was awarded a Nobel Prize by creating a timeline of key events and players.

And the Nobel science prizes go to…

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article “Nobel Prize winners announced.”

The SN 10: Scientists to Watch

This guide, based on the Science News special issue “The SN 10: Scientists to watch,” asks students to explore the work of early- and mid-career researchers who are tackling some of science’s biggest questions.

Collaborate with an SN 10 Scientist

With inspiration from the SN 10 scientists, students will explore how their own interests combined with collaboration with a partner can lead to a specific science research question.

Eyes across the globe

Students will learn about three global monitoring networks and the types of scientific data collected by each. Additional prompts encourage students to consider the purpose of these networks.

Just the Facts

This guide reviews ways to critically evaluate the trustworthiness of a news source.

News you can trust?

Students will develop their critical thinking skills by evaluating and rating the trustworthiness of an article and will practice presentation skills by sharing the information with the class.

How you find and share news in your life

After asking students where they get their news and how they share it, these discussion prompts explore characteristics of a story that can provide clues to its quality and credibility.

Evaluating measles news

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Measles erases immune memory."

Ban on Gene-edited Babies Proposed

This guide explores basic topics related to gene editing and other applications of genetic engineering.

The great gene-editing debate

Students will research and debate a contentious issue, arguing an assigned viewpoint based on scientific evidence. This debate is focused on gene editing for the creation of human babies, but can be easily adapted for other topics.

Pressing pause on gene editing

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Ban on gene-edited babies proposed."