Search Results

Pucker up

Students will analyze the amount of a chemical in a dietary supplement.

Get to know your vitamins

These discussion prompts cover the major types of vitamins and their sources, and how vitamin levels impact health.

Evaluating wellness claims

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Tainted supplements flood the market."

The SN 10 Game

Students will come up with a Jeopardy! style game or use a game provided to better understand the character traits, personality qualities and career paths of the SN 10: Scientists to Watch.

The languages of the fields

Students will define key science terms from a range of scientific fields using contextual clues from Science News articles.

Telling two scientists’ stories

Students will answer questions based on the Science News articles "Flowing toward a sustainable future" and "Mapping stars across generations."

Reflections past and present

These discussion prompts encourage students to reflect on their own academic progress, on the state of science and on the concept of reflection in physics.

Exploring Emmy Noether’s life

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Emmy Noether's vision."

Cookieology: Experimental design 101

To explore the steps of experimental design, students will plan an experiment to make an ideal sugar cookie.

Opioid data dose

Students will work individually or in small groups to study different parts of the CDC website on opioids and summarize their findings for the class.

When drugs and body meet

These discussion prompts cover the biology and chemistry of opioids and ask students to brainstorm strategies for preventing or reversing opioid addiction.

Tracking opioid deaths

Questions based on the Science News article "Fatal fix" ask students about the effects of opioids and to analyze a graph of overdose deaths.