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A lunar journey
Students will search the Science News archive for other stories related to moon formation.
Probing moon formation
These questions focus on ideas about the origin of Earth's moon and evidence that supports various explanations of its formation.
How Earth Got its Moon
This guide explores scientists' ideas for how the Earth got its moon, and the evidence that supports those ideas. Students can even calculate relevant lunar properties for themselves.
Mowing down cancer cells
Working in pairs, students will analyze a graph of data from one of the cancer experiments described in "Cancer's sweet cloak."
Biomolecules from many angles
These discussion prompts cover molecular structures and properties of sugars, proteins and lipids, as well as questions related to the immune system and cancer.
Archives track a long war
Students will explore the history of cancer therapy research by searching the Science News archive.
How sugars hide cancer
These questions, based on the Science News article "Cancer's sweet cloak," highlight observations about cell-surface sugars and their ability to hide cancer cells from the immune system.
Cancer’s Sweet Cloak
This guide covers research investigating how cancer cells can hide from the immune system with the help of cell-surface sugars, as well as related topics.
2016 Shattered Earth’s Heat Record
This guide focuses on the Earth's record temperatures and the bigger issue of climate change, including its worldwide and species-wide effects.
Charging the Future
This guide introduces students to the basics of battery design, including the chemical reactions involved, and even encourages students to build and test their own batteries.
Spacetime ripples found at last
These questions focus on gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and how observing gravitational waves can improve our understanding of the universe.
The latest on self-driving cars
These student questions focus on autonomous vehicles and the nature of research that will support their widespread use.