Search Results

Career share and compare

These discussion prompts encourage students to discuss and compare the work and background of two SN 10 scientists to explore the varied paths to becoming a successful researcher.

Eyes across the globe

Students will learn about three global monitoring networks and the types of scientific data collected by each. Additional prompts encourage students to consider the purpose of these networks.

Exploring insect farming

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Down on the (cricket) farm."

The Case of the Arctic’s Missing Ice

This guide explores the decades-long warming trend in the Arctic and the effects that warming is already having on sea life, including phytoplankton blooms.

Web of changes

Students will think through and diagram an Arctic and local food web and will explore how ecosystem disruptions can impact the food webs.

Battle the plankton blooms

These discussion prompts ask students to design a strategy for minimizing or mitigating the effects of Arctic phytoplankton blooms for one group of people.

Tracking Arctic sea ice

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "The case of the Arctic's missing ice."

2018 Year in Review

This guide reviews the biggest science stories of 2018, as reported by Science News.

Build your science knowledge

Students will define key science vocabulary to better understand the concepts covered in Science News' Top 10 science stories of 2018.

Understanding science’s impact

Students will work in groups to analyze one of Science News' Top 10 science stories of 2018.

Wading through drinking water systems

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Drinkability."


This guide covers drinking water contaminants and technologies that may be used to treat drinking water in small communities.