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Data on dwindling migratory species

Students will analyze and compare two graphs to summarize a recent report about animals protected by an international treaty called the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals before discussing the possible next steps and limitations of the treaty.

The Tiny “Toad” of Many Crowns

Scientists in Brazil have just discovered a creature that claims two small but fierce titles: the smallest known vertebrate and the smallest known amphibian. This raindrop-sized vertebrate earned a rather misleading name for itself — the “flea toad.” Use metric units to make and compare measurements and learn the differences between toads and frogs before discussing the misleading nature of the amphibian’s name.

Doggie Data and the April 8 Eclipse

Check out recent articles from the March 9 issue of Science News to have students explore data about their favorite dog breeds from a furry research study out of the U.K. and learn about different factors of the solar eclipse on April 8 that will make it especially rare for both scientists and observers.

Doggie data

Scientists in the U.K. have mapped the life spans of different dog breeds and found surprising links to body size and nose shape. In this short activity, students can explore data about their favorite dog breeds in a furry fun research study

All eyes on the sun

On April 8, 2024, approximately 32 million people may have the opportunity to see a total eclipse of the sun. Astronomers predict this eclipse will put on quite a show — one of the most vivid in recent history. Learn how different factors of this solar eclipse will make it especially rare for both scientists and casual observers.

Ant Ecosystem Disruption and Insects to Light

Use two articles from the February 24 issue of Science News to have students evaluate the data from a recent study and determine if the old saying, “like a moth to a flame” might need a revision and outline the cascading effects that one tiny ant species can have on a savanna-wide food web.

How an ant shook up an ecosystem

How can one tiny ant species cause a savanna-wide shift in the food web? Outline the cascading effects of the disruption of one mutual relationship and create graphs that highlight how an invasive species can have significant indirect effects on an ecosystem.

Drawn to a flame

That old saying, "drawn like a moth to a flame," needs a revision. Many flying insects may appear to be captivated by the glow of a nighttime lamp. But things aren't always what they seem. The reality turns long-held assumptions topsy-turvy. New findings suggest that flying insects are not attracted to the light at all, but actually turn their backs to it. Learn how new evidence challenges old theories and hypotheses while answering questions and discussing how the evidence from such studies supports conclusions.

Social Media Smarts

Social media is part of our everyday lives. It provides entertainment, news, reference information, and so much more. However, not all the content we find on social media is accurate. In this activity, students will investigate the prevalence of misinformation on popular social media platforms. In their investigation, students examine how platforms’ biases and algorithms influence the type of content social media users see and the level of misinformation displayed.

Water Burbling Physics and THC and the Teenage Brain

Have students investigate the physical science behind everyday phenomena, like the sound of running water, and critically analyze the potential risks of consuming THC-products using these lesson plans paired to two Science News articles from the February 10 issue.

Cannabis and the Teenage Brain

Being legal doesn't mean a drug is harmless. As the adult legal access to cannabis products goes up, teens' perception of cannabis risks falls. Learn how science reveals the harm THC may pose to teens while answering questions and discussing how the evidence from such studies supports conclusions.

The physics behind burbling water

The sound of running water can evoke thirst or make for a relaxing environment. Physicists have recently figured out what causes the burbling of this alluring sound. Get your students thinking critically about this everyday phenomenon and explore possible variables behind it. Then have them read about a recent scientific study that explains the physical science principles behind the burbling water.