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Extending language learning

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "There's extra time to learn a language."

An Open Book

This guide covers different types of personalized genetic testing and the medical information that can or cannot be learned from such testing.

DNA fingerprinting

In this activity, students will analyze simulated DNA data from different people to understand how such data can be interpreted and applied.

All about genes

These discussion prompts examine student knowledge of DNA and genes, and then explore DNA sequencing and gene therapy.

The human genome reviewed

Students will explore and compare articles about genomes in general, and the human genome in particular.

The stories in your DNA

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "An open book."

Fight Like an Animal

This guide explores the evolution of animal weaponry and encourages students to think think through animal weaponry experiments.

Cookieology: Experimental design 101

To explore the steps of experimental design, students will plan an experiment to make an ideal sugar cookie.

Pick your battles

These discussion prompts encourage students to put themselves in the shoes of researchers studying animal weaponry, by evaluating, proposing and mapping out an experiment.

Surveying animal weaponry

Students will explore articles about animal weaponry from the Science News archive.

The truth behind animal brawls

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Fight like an animal."

Stephen Hawking’s Legacy Will Live On

This guide reviews the life and work of Stephen Hawking and asks students to work individually or in small groups to derive equations and calculate a theoretical amount of Hawking radiation emitted by a black hole.