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Cats and Punnett squares

Scientists would like to breed cats that don’t trigger allergies in people. By constructing and analyzing a Punnett square for two low-allergen cats, students will review key concepts including patterns and probabilities of inheritance, genotype, phenotype, genes, alleles, chromosomes and mutations.

The quest to fend off cat allergies

Students will answer questions about the Science News article “How to lick cat allergies,” which explores some potential solutions to prevent and calm allergic reactions.

Taking charge of allergies

Students will identify and categorize various approaches to fending off cat allergies. After discussing the approaches, students will apply similar problem-solving strategies to a new allergen.

Explore genetic engineering’s legacy

These discussion prompts explore how genetic engineering has been used in medicine, agriculture and basic research.

Pressing pause on gene editing

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Ban on gene-edited babies proposed."

Navigate neuroscience

Students will use resources beyond the article to answer more detailed questions on neuroscience, biochemistry and microbiology.

Making a gut-brain connection

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "Parkinson's pathways."

Telling two scientists’ stories

Students will answer questions based on the Science News articles "Flowing toward a sustainable future" and "Mapping stars across generations."

DNA fingerprinting

In this activity, students will analyze simulated DNA data from different people to understand how such data can be interpreted and applied.

All about genes

These discussion prompts examine student knowledge of DNA and genes, and then explore DNA sequencing and gene therapy.

The human genome reviewed

Students will explore and compare articles about genomes in general, and the human genome in particular.

The stories in your DNA

Students will answer questions based on the Science News article "An open book."