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Physics Helps Alien Rain Stay In Shape
In this guide, students will learn how the laws of physics shape rain on other planets and explore how molecules interact within alien raindrops.
Sizing up alien rain
Students will answer questions about the online Science News article “How the laws of physics constrain the size of alien raindrops,” which explores a new model for rain on planets across the Milky Way. A version of the story, “Physics helps alien rain stay in shape,” appears in the May 8, 2021 & May 22, 2021 issue of Science News.
Modeling molecules in alien rain
Students will compare and contrast rain on Earth with rain on other planets and practice drawing molecular structures of various rain substances to examine the substances' physical and chemical properties. Students will use that information, along with the planetary conditions needed to form rain, to create a short weather forecast for one planet.
- Exercise type:Activity
- Topic:Health & Medicine
- Category:Coronavirus
- Category:Data Analysis
- Category:Diversity in STEM
A fair shot
Students will analyze a graph to identify inequities in COVID-19 vaccine access among nations based on wealth, discuss how affluence affects access to and distribution of vaccines as well as how disparities in vaccine distribution affect global pandemic recovery. Students will then work in groups to research COVID-19 vaccine access and distribution in their state or local area, identify potential inequities in vaccine access and distribution and construct a graph of their own.
Elusive Killer in Eagle Die-Offs ID’d
In this guide, students will learn about scientists’ quest to solve mysterious bird deaths, discuss how invasive species affect ecosystems and research an invasive species in their region.
Investigating invasive species
Students will define invasive species and discuss how certain species affect ecosystems and human society. Then, students will research invasive species in their region and devise an invasiveness rating scale.
Science mystery solvers
Students will answer questions about the online Science News article “A toxin behind mysterious eagle die-offs may have finally been found,” which explores scientists’ quest to ID a suspect in mass bird deaths. A version of the story, “Elusive killer in eagle die-offs ID’d,” appears in the April 24, 2021 issue of Science News.
Get to know your local geology
Students will learn about plate tectonics, research the geologic and tectonic history of their region or state and analyze geologic maps to understand how plate tectonics shaped the landscape.
No Body Is No Problem for Detached Sea Slug Heads
In this guide, students will explore animal regeneration, discuss why scientists are interested in the process and use what they’ve learned to narrate a Science News video about regenerating sea slugs.
Speaking of science
Students will investigate animals that regenerate, discuss how energy plays a role in the process and think about why scientists might be interested in studying animal regeneration. Students will use what they’ve learned to write a script and narrate a Science News video of regenerating sea slugs.
Sluggish regeneration
Students will answer questions about the online Science News article “A sea slug’s detached head can crawl around and grow a whole new body,” which explores how some sea slugs regenerate. A version of the story, “No body is no problem for detached sea slug heads,” appears in the April 10, 2021 issue of Science News.
A century of science podcast
Using the Science News archive for reference, students will make a podcast detailing the developments in an area of science over the last century.