Search Results

Building the best battery

In this activity, students will build, test and optimize their own batteries using various metal electrodes and liquid electrolytes.

Using Science News to develop a research question and hypothesis

Students will use Science News as a resource for discovering a research question that interests them and developing a testable hypothesis.

Surveying student research

Students can search the Science News archive for stories about student research at the International Science and Engineering Fair, ISEF.

Our ongoing battle with bacteria

These discussion prompts focus on the nature of bacteria and types of antibiotics, as well as methods for dealing with antibiotic resistance.

Beyond today’s batteries

Students will search the Science News archive for stories related to battery research.

Analyze the climate change data

Students will work in groups to explore available data and research various aspects of climate change and then present their findings to the class.

Mowing down cancer cells

Working in pairs, students will analyze a graph of data from one of the cancer experiments described in "Cancer's sweet cloak."

Archives track a long war

Students will explore the history of cancer therapy research by searching the Science News archive.

How sugars hide cancer

These questions, based on the Science News article "Cancer's sweet cloak," highlight observations about cell-surface sugars and their ability to hide cancer cells from the immune system.

Spacetime ripples found at last

These questions focus on gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and how observing gravitational waves can improve our understanding of the universe.

The latest on self-driving cars

These student questions focus on autonomous vehicles and the nature of research that will support their widespread use.

Wave detection

Students will design, build, test and optmize their own light-based detector for waves (a simple optical seismometer) and will explore how this detector relates to more sophisticated gravitational wave detectors.