
  1. Computing

    Computer Game Art and History

    Curious about early video games or recent developments in game technology? This Web site accompanies the “Game On” exhibition, developed by the Barbicon Gallery and the National Museums of Scotland. An exhibition guide briefly explains what the various displays include. The education section offers tips for creating a video game as a classroom project. The […]

  2. Tech

    Press ‘n’ Peel Lasers: Coaxing light beams out of cheap plastic

    Researchers have devised a way to imprint lasers in plastic—an achievement that may one day lead to ultracheap lasers mass-produced like poker chips.

  3. Tech

    Counting calories on the road

    People are programmed to spend about the same number of calories per day—roughly the energy of one hot dog—on daily travel, according to new analysis of British transportation statistics.

  4. Tech

    Soft blow hardens Columbia-disaster theory

    By blasting a gaping hole in a shuttle wing with a block of foam fired from a gun, a NASA investigative team appears to have confirmed the leading theory of what caused the Feb. 1 destruction of the space shuttle Columbia.

  5. Tech

    Giving solar cells the rough treatment

    A new solar cell design that traps photons in the crevices of a bumpy surface uses low-cost materials and may make these cells more commercially appealing.

  6. Tech

    Making machines from genes

    A novel machine made from DNA also uses DNA as its fuel.

  7. Tech

    Coddled crystal slams door on light

    A better fabrication process yields such a high-quality optical material that microchips using light, rather than electrons, may be close to reality.

  8. Tech

    Tiny device brings out the best in sperm

    A new device with potential use in fertility treatments separates robust sperm from stragglers by exploiting a phenomenon that occurs when two microscale fluid flows merge.

  9. Tech

    Columbia Disaster Working Hypothesis: Wing hit by debris

    The independent board investigating the breakup of the space shuttle presented its first detailed account of what might have caused the Feb. 1 disaster.

  10. Tech

    A Breath of Fresh Air: Bacteria rid sewage of its stink

    Wastewater-treatment plants can use hydrogen sulfide-degrading bacteria instead of chemicals to reduce odors.

  11. Computing

    Computation Takes a Quantum Leap

    A quantum computation involving a custom-built molecule furnishes experimental evidence that a quantum computer can solve certain mathematical problems more efficiently than can a conventional computer.

  12. Tech

    Tipping tiny scales

    A prototype detector based on a tiny silicon cantilever that operates in air has achieved a 1,000-fold sensitivity boost when measuring tiny quantities of chemical agents.
