
  1. Tech

    Channeling light in the deep sea

    Light-conducting fibers that naturally sprout from certain deep-sea sponges may hold lessons for makers of optical fibers for telecommunications.

  2. Computing

    Virtual stampede sees faces in crowd

    A new computer model based on particle interactions suggests ways to prevent a panicked crowd from stampeding.

  3. Tech

    Memory Enhancers

    Engineers take aim at increasing the density of data storage on magnetic media.

  4. Tech

    Smart dust can swarm target

    Microscopic mirrors can swarm a target and produce an optical signal that identifies the target to the observer.

  5. Tech

    Mind-Expanding Machines

    Researchers have designed computer systems aimed at amplifying human thought and perception, such as a new type of cockpit display for aircraft pilots that exploits the power of peripheral vision.

  6. Tech

    Bomb Sniffer: Cantilevers detect trace amounts of explosives

    An ultra-sensitive chemical sensor uses microcantilevers to detect airborne plastic explosives within seconds.

  7. Tech

    High-flying wing destroyed in crash

    The unmanned NASA aircraft that holds the world record for high-altitude flight without rocket propulsion recently broke up over the Pacific Ocean.

  8. Tech

    Shining True: Marking original documents with a lick of gloss

    Scientists have a new way of making forgery-proof documents by using laser color printers to embed hologramlike images in a document’s glossy surface.

  9. Computing

    Resistance leaps as magnetism mounts

    A tiny traffic island for electrons promises to serve as an extraordinarily sensitive detector of magnetic fields.

  10. Tech

    Robots making robots, with some help

    A new type of robotic system that designs and produces robotic offspring may represent a first step toward self-replicating "artificial life."

  11. Computing

    Going to digital extremes

    A researcher designs the ultimate laptop, stretching the laws of physics to their limits to achieve blazing computation rates.

  12. Tech

    Device ups hydrogen energy from sunlight

    A solar-electric cell that stands above an acid bath on electrode legs has converted light to hydrogen fuel with unprecedented efficiency.
