
  1. Tech

    Pores of glass skin shrink from light

    Ultraviolet light can fine-tune the properties of intricately structured, porous films of glass that, among other uses, may make possible the long-sought direct extraction of oxygen and nitrogen gases from air.

  2. Computing

    Calculating Swarms

    Ant teamwork suggests models for computing faster and organizing better.

  3. Tech

    Sixth Sense

    A budding technology called electric field imaging may soon enable devices such as appliances, toys, and computers to detect the presence of people and respond to their motions.

  4. Tech

    DNA puts its best foot forward

    A robot made of DNA has taken its first steps, suggesting that such devices could eventually be used for nanoscale manufacturing.

  5. Tech

    Microwave mirror hits the spot

    A technique for rebounding and refocusing sound also works for electromagnetic waves, possibly opening new uses ranging from improving cell phone communication to treating illness.

  6. Tech

    Tiny Tubes Brighten Bulbs: Nanotubes beat tungsten in lightbulb test—maybe

    Experiments suggest that lightbulbs with filaments made from carbon nanotubes outshine conventional bulbs.

  7. Tech

    Protein Power: Solar cell produces electricity from spinach and bacterial proteins

    Researchers have fabricated a solar cell that uses photosynthetic proteins to convert light into electricity.

  8. Tech

    Groovy Pictures: Extracting sound from images of old audio recordings

    To preserve songs and words on antique vinyl records and wax cylinders, a new scanning technique maps their grooves, then simulates a stylus moving along those contours to extract high-quality sound.

  9. Tech

    Diagnostic gadget mixes and matches all in one

    Researchers have fabricated a miniature diagnostic lab that can detect disease-linked genes in a small sample of whole blood.

  10. Tech

    Injectable Medibots: Programmable DNA could diagnose and treat cancer

    Researchers have created a miniature DNA computer that can detect cancer genes in a test tube and respond by releasing a drug.

  11. Tech

    Super-repellent surface switches on and off

    Nanotechnologists have created a remarkably effective liquid-repelling surface that can also become, at the flick of a switch, liquid-attracting.

  12. Tech

    Aircraft trick may give big rigs a gentle lift

    Using sheet-like jets of air to control aerodynamic drag and lift—a technology first developed for aircraft—may boost gas mileage and improve braking and handling of tractor-trailer trucks.
