
  1. Space

    New search methods are ramping up the hunt for alien intelligence

    Six decades of radio silence hasn’t stopped scientists searching for intelligent life beyond Earth. In fact, new technologies are boosting efforts.

  2. Health & Medicine

    You can help fight the coronavirus. All you need is a computer

    With Folding@home, people can donate computing time on their home computers to the search for a chemical Achilles’ heel in the coronavirus.

  3. Artificial Intelligence

    An AI that mimics how mammals smell recognizes scents better than other AI

    An artificial intelligence modeled after the neural circuitry in mammalian brains can keep learning new aromas without forgetting others.

  4. Math

    How a quantum technique highlights math’s mysterious link to physics

    Verifying proofs to very hard math problems is possible with infinite quantum entanglement.

  5. Artificial Intelligence

    Linking sense of touch to facial movement inches robots toward ‘feeling’ pain

    Artificial systems that allow a robot to “feel” pain might ultimately lead to empathy.

  6. Computing

    AI can predict which criminals may break laws again better than humans

    Computer algorithms are better than people at forecasting recidivism, at least in some situations, a new study finds.

  7. Tech

    The U.S. power grid desperately needs upgrades to handle climate change

    The climate is changing faster than the U.S. power grid is adapting. Smarter grids and smaller grids could help.

  8. Physics

    A quantum strategy could verify the solutions to unsolvable problems — in theory

    A quantum technique for verifying solutions to difficult problems could apply to an “unbelievably huge” class of puzzles.

  9. Archaeology

    A 3-D printed vocal tract lets an ancient mummy speak from beyond the grave

    A re-created version of a mummy’s vocal tract reveals what this ancient Egyptian might have sounded like.

  10. Life

    ‘PigeonBot’ is the first robot that can bend its wings like a real bird

    Insights into the joint movements and feather surface structures that help birds control their wing shape could help robotic flyers move more deftly.

  11. Quantum Physics

    Google claimed quantum supremacy in 2019 — and sparked controversy

    Google’s quantum computer outperformed the most powerful supercomputer on a task, the company reported. But some scientists aren’t fully convinced.

  12. Space

    China stuck its moon landing this year. Others weren’t as lucky

    Fifty years after Apollo 11 landed on the moon, Earth’s sidekick is getting renewed attention from space agencies around the world.
