
  1. Humans

    DOE wants to become more like Bell Labs

    Steven Chus prizes DOE's research prowess, but not it's ability to marshall its discoveries into marketable innovations.

  2. Space

    Satellite collision: brief update on Hubble and debris

    In an unprecedented collision, two large satellites crashed into each other in low-Earth orbit on February 10. The effect on a planned Hubble repair mission remains unclear.

  3. Tech

    Catalyst knocks out a smog maker

    Unique system could help truckers meet new emissions standards.

  4. Tech

    Stimulus: Substantial money for research infrastructure

    Two agencies will share more than $1.25 billion to upgrade research equipment and facilities around the nation.

  5. Science & Society

    AAAS: The New Masters of Science

    A new master's degree program is emerging that is creating "a new type of scientist" and a new professional class.

  6. Chemistry

    Supergoo Erases ‘Monument-al’ Nuclear Fallout

    From disposable diapers comes a technology that can be used to extract radionuclides off of the porous surfaces of buildings.

  7. Tech

    Two satellites collide in Earth orbit

    In an unprecedented collision, two large satellites crashed into each other in low-Earth orbit on February 10.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Electronic Records: A Way to Stretch Nurses

    Cost savings are perhaps not even the primary benefit of the White House proposal for national electronic medical recordkeeping.

  9. Earth

    California may yet get the first greenhouse gas limits for cars

    President Obama decides to revisit a controversial decision made less than a year ago by his predecessor.

  10. Humans

    Obama’s new directive on energy efficiency

    New appliance standards are coming, the president reported today.

  11. Humans

    Federal R&D downturn preceded ‘08 economic crash

    Federal R&D spending looks grim — until you compare it to the U.S. economy in general.

  12. Tech

    Book Review: The Inner History of Devices by Sherry Turkle, ed.

    Review by Elizabeth Quill.
