
  1. Computing

    Quantum computers could tackle enormous linear equations

    New work suggests that the envisioned systems would be powerful enough to quickly process even trillions of variables.

  2. Chemistry

    Concerned about BPA: Check your receipts

    Some cash register receipts offer the potential for relatively large exposures to an estrogen mimic.

  3. Tech

    Nobel Prize in physics awarded for work with light

    Charles K. Kao wins for discoveries enabling fiber-optic communication, and Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith win for inventing the charge-coupled device

  4. Humans

    Flu: Grim stats

    Though risk of death from conventional flu strains escalates dramatically, beginning around age 45, a new study finds that masks do a fair job of slowing the infection's transmission.

  5. Animals

    Spider men weave silken tapestry

    It took herculean effort, but Madagascar crafters created an extraordinary piece of woven art from spider silk.

  6. Physics

    Neutrons for military and medical imaging

    An accelerator-based neutron-production system is being designed to cull bombs at risk of exploding prematurely — and make the feedstock for a major isotope used in nuclear medicine.

  7. Life

    Locust wings built for the long haul

    Flexible wings help locusts maximize efficiency in flight, new research shows.

  8. Earth

    Cell phones: Precautions recommended

    Scientists make a case for texting and using hand-free technologies with those cell phones to which society has become addicted.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Cell phones: Feds probing health impacts

    Senate hearing finds that biomedical research agencies aren't complacent about potential health effects of cell-phone radiation.

  10. Space

    Metamaterials mock the heavens

    Proposed materials offer a way for physicists to study black holes and chaotic planetary orbits in the laboratory.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Hearing bolsters case for U.S. moly-making

    Congress today addressed the need to wean America off of reliance on foreign sources of a feedstock of the most widely used isotope in medical imaging.

  12. Materials Science

    Velcro on steroids

    Researchers have designed a steel analog of a well-known fastener.
