Printed robot moves with a beat
Tiny device created with a 3-D printer employs heart cells to make it move.
Building robots that slither
Howie Choset is a roboticist, but his team’s creations bear little resemblance to C-3PO or R2-D2. Instead, Choset finds inspiration in nature — specifically, snakes.
By Roberta Kwok -
Tiny muscles pull a big punch
Coated carbon nanotubes form the basis of this smart new material.
Beginnings of Bionic
Electronics that bend with the human body may soon make their way into medical devices to track health, deliver treatments and improve surgery.
By Meghan Rosen -
Plastic fantastic seals in speeding projectiles
Layered nanomaterial shows how bulletproof polymers wrap around penetrating particles.
Degradable devices vanish after use
Technique combines silicon, magnesium and silk for medical implants, transistors and digital cameras that can melt away.
Facebook peer pressure gets out the vote
People were more likely to take part in the November 2010 election when they were told that their online friends already had.
When Networks Network
Once studied solo, systems display surprising behavior when they interact.
Unmixing oil and water
A new filter that separates the two substances only using gravity could help clean oil spills.