
  1. Tech

    Shining a light on radio waves

    A new device detects faint signals by first converting them to laser pulses.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Rabbit heart gets full electrode jacket

    A silicon jacket makes it possible for scientists to place sensors on specific areas of the heart without glue or stitches and could one day be used for diagnosing and treating human heart diseases.

  3. Tech

    Creature power

    Biological fuel cells that generate electricity by harnessing sugars and oxygen in the body may one day power implanted devices in humans and other animals.

  4. Psychology

    Lend an ear to science

    Pop music hit maker Clive Davis knows a catchy song when he hears one. Now an app aims to define that elusive quality more concretely.

  5. Neuroscience

    Video games could boost reading skills in dyslexia

    People with dyslexia, a developmental reading disorder, have a harder time switching from visual cues to auditory ones, but the constant shifts in video games may help improve the how quickly individuals perceive the change.

  6. Tech

    Termite-inspired robots build structures without central command

    Simple guidelines keep machines hauling and placing bricks.

  7. Physics

    Getting warmer in attempt to reach ignition

    Fusion energy output hits modest milestone at National Ignition Facility.

  8. Chemistry

    Swapping electrolytes could prevent big battery fires

    Researchers now say they have designed a nonflammable lithium ion battery that is as effective as what is already in use.

  9. Tech

    The gene sequencing future is here

    The biggest expense in sequencing a human genome now is the cost of storing it.

  10. Neuroscience

    Football helmet redesign can reduce concussion risk

    No helmet will ever eliminate the risk of sustaining a concussions during a football game. But tweaking the design may slow the speed of head movements after a hit and reduce the risk of brain trauma.

  11. Planetary Science

    China’s moon rover may be beyond repair

    If the rover’s electronics are exposed to the extremely cold temperatures on the moon, they will break, leaving Jade Rabbit inoperable.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Nanopackaging biodegrades after delivering cancer drug

    DNA binding creates potentially nontoxic tumor-targeting structures.
