
  1. Tech

    SpaceX rocket blasts to space and back, sticks the landing

    A Falcon 9 rocket section lands after launching a set of satellites during a successful test of SpaceX’s reusable rocket parts.

  2. Tech

    SpaceX rocket sticks its landing

    A Falcon 9 rocket section lands after launching a set of satellites during a successful test of SpaceX’s reusable rocket parts.

  3. Math

    Year in review: New algorithm quickly spots identical networks

    In what may be a once-in-a-decade advance, a computer scientist claimed to have devised an algorithm that efficiently solves the notorious graph isomorphism problem.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Google’s quantum computer speeds up, but practical use is unclear

    Google’s D-Wave quantum computer is getting faster, but it’s still unclear whether it will ever outperform regular computers at completing useful tasks.

  5. Life

    Microbes show up on schedule after death

    Microbes in the soil beneath dead bodies offer forensic clues for time and place of death.

  6. Physics

    There’s no hiding from new camera

    A new camera tracks objects hidden around a corner by detecting light echoes, similar to the way bats use sound to find prey.

  7. Tech

    Roses rigged with electrical circuits

    Bioelectric molecules can form wires and conduct electricity in cut roses, researchers find.

  8. Plants

    Roses rigged with electrical circuitry

    Bioelectric molecules can form wires and conduct electricity in cut roses, researchers find.

  9. Climate

    Geoengineering is world’s last hope, new book argues

    Geoengineering is humankind’s only viable solution to curb climate change impacts, a journalist contends in The Planet Remade.

  10. Computing

    New algorithm cracks graph problem

    A new algorithm efficiently solves the graph isomorphism problem, which has puzzled computer scientists for decades.

  11. Tech

    Laser light turns graphene paper into a microbot

    Tiny origami-inspired robot uses laser light to walks like an inchworm.

  12. Tech

    Electronic skin feels the heat, hears the sound

    Electronic skin inspired by human fingertips detects texture, pressure, heat and sound.
