
  1. Computing

    AI system learns like a human, stores info like a computer

    A new artificial neural network hooked up to extra memory can learn to solve complex problems.

  2. Tech

    CT scans show first X-rayed mummy in new light

    An ancient Egyptian child became the first mummy to be X-rayed in 1896. Today, CT scans reveal new insights into the child’s life — and death.

  3. Tech

    XPRIZE launched new kind of space race, book recounts

    'How to Make a Spaceship' chronicles the XPRIZE challenge that helped ignite the private space industry.

  4. Tech

    Wi-Fi can help house distinguish between members

    Using Wi-Fi, computers could one day identify individual family members in a smart home.

  5. Archaeology

    Digital rehab exposes Biblical roots of ancient Israeli scroll

    Virtual unwrapping reveals Biblical text on charred remains of ancient Israeli scroll.

  6. Materials Science

    Qian Chen makes matter come alive

    Materials scientist Qian Chen is coaxing nanomaterials to self-assemble in new and unexpected ways.

  7. Neuroscience

    Jeremy Freeman seeks to simplify complex brain science

    As a group leader at the Janelia Research Campus, Jeremy Freeman is equal parts neuroscientist, computer coder and data visualization whiz.

  8. Computing

    Shayan Oveis Gharan finds the shortest route to success

    Theoretical computer scientist Shayan Oveis Gharan has identified connections between unrelated fields to tackle the traveling salesman problem.

  9. Physics

    Tenio Popmintchev fits X-ray laser on a tabletop

    Laser physicist Tenio Popmintchev has created a Swiss-army-knife tool made of light.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Activity trackers fall short in weight-loss trial

    In a two-year study, wearable activity monitors didn’t help young adults lose more weight.

  11. Tech

    SpaceX rocket explodes on Florida launchpad

    SpaceX has lost a Falcon 9 rocket and its satellite payload in a standard prelaunch test.

  12. Microbes

    Bacteria display qualities that a mother would love

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses big lessons we can learn from some of Earth's smallest organisms.
