
  1. Tech

    Why touch can be such a creepy sensation in VR

    Touch sensation in VR can go from immersive to unnerving as the feeling gets more realistic, if you can’t see the source.

  2. Science & Society

    Here’s why putting a missile defense system in space could be a bad idea

    Expanding missile defense capabilities could put the world on a slippery slope to space warfare.

  3. Math

    ‘Weird Math’ aims to connect numbers and equations to the real world

    The book Weird Math attempts to make chaos theory, higher dimensions and other concepts more relatable.

  4. Tech

    The Facebook data debacle may not change internet behavior

    In the wake of the Facebook data breach, personal privacy experts say there’s little individuals can do to control their personal information online.

  5. Chemistry

    Using laser tweezers, chemists nudged two atoms to bond

    This is the first time researchers have purposefully combined two specific atoms into a molecule.

  6. Microbes

    This material uses energy from ambient light to kill hospital superbugs

    A quantum dot–powered material could help reduce the number of hospital-acquired infections, including those with drug-resistant bacteria.

  7. Tech

    A new soft bot mimics octopuses and inchworms to climb walls

    A new soft robot that scales walls could help with surveillance or building inspections.

  8. Tech

    Sheets of tiny bubbles could bring a sense of touch to virtual reality

    Shape-shifting films used in sleeves or other garments could provide tactile feedback that makes virtual realities feel more real.

  9. Materials Science

    Live heart cells make this material shift color like a chameleon

    A new material made of heart cells from rats and hydrogel changes color as the living cells contract and relax.

  10. Life

    Earwigs take origami to extremes to fold their wings

    Stretchy joints let earwig wings flip quickly between folded and unfurled.

  11. Anthropology

    Readers ponder children’s pretend play, planetary dust storms and more

    Readers had questions about children’s fantasy play, lasers creating 3-D images and dust storms on Mars.

  12. Tech

    First pedestrian death from a self-driving car fuels safety debate

    A self-driving Uber kills woman in Arizona in the first fatal pedestrian strike by an autonomous car.
