
  1. Artificial Intelligence

    ‘Machines That Think’ predicts the future of artificial intelligence

    In a new book, an artificial intelligence expert explores AI’s past, present and future.

  2. Materials Science

    New textile weathers temperature shift

    Reversible textile keeps skin at a comfortable temperature with thin layers of carbon and copper.

  3. Tech

    New laser emits a more stable, energy-efficient light beam

    A new type of laser could emit more stable, energy-efficient light beams than its conventional counterparts.

  4. Tech

    Lasers trace a new way to create hovering hologram-like images

    Hovering 3-D images pave the way for futuristic displays that could be used for education or entertainment.

  5. Computing

    Your phone is like a spy in your pocket

    Smartphones’ powers of perception make them more user-friendly and efficient. But they also open new opportunities for privacy invasions.

  6. Tech

    New technique could help spot snooping drones

    There may be a new way to tell if a drone is creeping on you or your home.

  7. Life

    A robotic arm made of DNA moves at dizzying speed

    A DNA machine with a high-speed arm could pave the way for nanoscale factories.

  8. Astronomy

    Pollution is endangering the future of astronomy

    Astronomers discuss multiple threats from pollution that will make it harder to observe the night sky.

  9. Microbes

    A new gel could help in the fight against deadly, drug-resistant superbugs

    An antibacterial ointment breaks down the defenses of drug-resistant microbes such as MRSA in lab tests.

  10. Life

    Readers wrangle with definition of ‘species’

    Readers asked about the definition of "species," a new atomic clock and how a neutron star collision produces heavy elements.

  11. Microbes

    New pill tracks gases through your gut

    Swallowing these pill-sized sensors could give new insight into what’s going on in your gut.

  12. Microbes

    These disease-fighting bacteria produce echoes detectable by ultrasound

    Ultrasound can help keep tabs on genetically modified bacteria to better fight disease inside the body.
