
  1. Artificial Intelligence

    A new AI can focus on one voice in a crowd

    The artificial intelligence can ignore background noise in videos and focus on what a particular person is saying.

  2. Tech

    50 years ago, NASA astronauts prepared to return to space

    Apollo 7 crewmembers underwent their first major tests 50 years ago. Today, U.S. astronauts struggle to get into space.

  3. Tech

    A new 3-D printer builds temporary electronics on your skin

    A new 3-D printer that tracks and compensates for your slightest twitch can precisely print simple electronic devices onto your skin.

  4. Tech

    Future smart clothes could pack serious gadgetry

    Casual daywear may someday contain some serious tech. But engineers have to take conventional electronics and make them comfortable to wear.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Even in the shade, a car’s interior can get lethally hot

    A car’s interior can get lethally hot on summer days, even when it’s parked in the shade.

  6. Tech

    Fleets of self-driving taxis could be choreographed to cut traffic

    Hive-minded self-driving cars could curb traffic congestion and vehicle pollution.

  7. Agriculture

    Nanoparticles could help rescue malnourished crops

    Nanoparticles normally used to fight cancer could also be used to treat malnourished crops.

  8. Artificial Intelligence

    This AI uses the same kind of brain wiring as mammals to navigate

    This AI creates mental maps of its environment much like mammals do.

  9. Tech

    This self-driving car could one day take you on a real road trip

    Most autonomous cars are city drivers. This one’s made for cross-country road trips.

  10. Tech

    Website privacy policies don’t say much about how they share your data

    Privacy policies don’t reveal the half of how websites share user data.

  11. Tech

    Private web browsing doesn’t mean no one is watching

    Many people misunderstand what private web browsing actually is. Web browsers’ explanations don’t help.

  12. Tech

    Why touch can be such a creepy sensation in VR

    Touch sensation in VR can go from immersive to unnerving as the feeling gets more realistic, if you can’t see the source.
