
  1. Tech

    Futuristic engine proves its mettle

    A miniature missile shot from a cannon has demonstrated for the first time in free flight that a futuristic jet engine called a scramjet can propel itself.

  2. Tech

    Quantum bell rings to electron beat

    A new nanoscale transistor that parcels out electrons with metronome-like regularity has the potential to lead to designs for electronic noses and tiny devices inside of cell phones.

  3. Tech

    Crystal listens for telltale sounds of virus

    Scientists have built a device that can hear the movement of viral particles in fluids.

  4. Computing

    Computer paints a charged bioportrait

    By employing a novel computational strategy, researchers have mapped the electrical landscape of biological molecules made up of more than 1 million atoms.

  5. Tech

    The Seeing Tongue

    Blind people can now use their tongues to see, albeit crudely, thanks to prototype technology that involves licking arrays of electrodes attached to video cameras.

  6. Tech

    Reading Faces

    Facial expressions can convey emotional nuances that words fail to communicate. Researcher Terrence Sejnowski has developed a computer program that analyzes images of human faces, purportedly matching the skills of professionals trained to read fleeting expressions of emotion. Learn more in an online article from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s HHMI Bulletin and at the […]

  7. Computing

    New initiatives scale up supercomputing

    Several government efforts aim to give researchers access to computing power in the range of 12 trillion operations per second or more.

  8. Computing

    Web worms: Code Red to Warhol

    Using an efficient infection strategy, a malicious programmer could deploy a rogue computer program far more voracious than the Code Red worm that struck on July 19.

  9. Tech

    New method lights a path for solar cells

    Using a technique in which chemical ingredients assemble themselves, a research team has developed a potentially inexpensive way of making solar cells.

  10. Tech

    Soaking Up Rays

    Although light shines through body parts of a primitive marine sponge much as it does through sophisticated optical fibers for telecommunications, scientists differ on whether sponges hold clues to better fibers for humankind.

  11. Tech

    Setting electronics in artificial stone

    Electronics components made of Portland cement may one day be part of buildngs and roadways that double as gargantuan sensors or other current-carrying devices.

  12. Tech

    Having gathered moss, water drops roll

    A coating of water-repellent powder transforms water droplets into remarkably mobile and resiliant balls, hoops, or peanut-shaped blobs.
