
  1. Space

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx must avoid ‘Mount Doom’ to return a sample of the asteroid Bennu

    The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft finally has a target spot for sample collection, called Nightingale, on the asteroid Bennu.

  2. Space

    NASA’s Parker probe has spotted the Geminid meteor showers’ source

    For the first time, we’ve spotted the trail of space debris responsible for the Geminid meteor shower.

  3. Archaeology

    An AI found a hidden Nazca Line in Peru showing a humanoid figure

    An artificial intelligence program designed to go through massive datasets for hints of ancient geoglyphs called Nazca Lines has discovered a new one.

  4. Tech

    A tiny switch could redirect light between computer chips in mere nanoseconds

    Microscopic switches that ferry information using light, not electric current, could help create better, faster electronics.

  5. Artificial Intelligence

    A will to survive might take AI to the next level

    Neuroscientists argue that the biological principle of homeostasis will lead to improved, “feeling” robots.

  6. Physics

    Trapping atoms in a laser beam offers a new way to measure gravity

    A new type of experiment to measure the strength of Earth’s gravity uses atoms suspended in light rather than free-falling atoms.

  7. Tech

    The first artificial material that follows sunlight may upgrade solar panels

    Rows of tiny stemlike rods called SunBOTs orient themselves toward light, optimizing the solar energy that they can harvest.

  8. Tech

    Here’s what it will take to adapt the power grid to higher wildfire risks

    Better sensing tech on power lines and reliance on more local power sources could help avoid vast power outages like those in California in October.

  9. Science & Society

    Bias in a common health care algorithm disproportionately hurts black patients

    A machine-learning program that uses past medical costs to identify patients for extra care favors white patients over black patients, a study finds.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Google officially lays claim to quantum supremacy

    The quantum computer Sycamore reportedly performed a calculation that even the most powerful supercomputers available can’t reproduce.

  11. Science & Society

    This year’s SN 10 enjoy the journey, not just the discovery

    Meet 10 young researchers who combine persistence and passion to make headway on science’s big questions.

  12. Neuroscience

    Maryam Shanechi designs machines to read minds

    Maryam Shanechi creates computer programs that link brain and machine to one day help patients with paralysis or psychiatric disorders.
