
  1. Science & Society

    Your solar eclipse experience can help science

    The Aug. 21 total solar eclipse offers a rare opportunity for crowdsourced data collection on a spectacular celestial phenomenon.

  2. Planetary Science

    Evidence mounts for an ocean on early Venus

    Not long after its birth, Venus may have rocked a water ocean, new simulations suggest.

  3. Space

    Potential ingredient for alien life found on Titan

    The atmosphere and oceans of Saturn’s moon Titan contain vinyl cyanide, a compound predicted to form cell-like bubbles.

  4. Astronomy

    Astronomers may have found an exomoon, and Hubble is going to check

    A distant object may be the first exomoon detected.

  5. Astronomy

    Half of the Milky Way comes from other galaxies

    A galaxy may swipe up to half of its atoms from other galaxies, making the Milky Way mostly extragalactic stuff, new simulations suggest.

  6. Astronomy

    Balloons will broadcast the 2017 solar eclipse live from on high

    Astrophysicist Angela Des Jardins is coordinating the first-ever livestream of a solar eclipse filmed from balloons.

  7. Planetary Science

    More hints of Martian hot springs may hold promise for Mars 2020 mission

    An analysis of ridges in a crater of Margaritifer Terra on Mars offers evidence of ancient hot springs and also hints at the potential for finding signs of life.

  8. Astronomy

    ‘Making Contact’ chronicles an astronomer’s struggle to find E.T.

    For decades, astronomer Jill Tarter led the hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence, as detailed in a new biography.

  9. Astronomy

    Fewer big rogue planets roam the galaxy, recount shows

    Jupiter-mass planets without parent solar systems are less common than astronomers thought, a new study suggests.

  10. Planetary Science

    Earth might once have resembled a hot, steamy doughnut

    Newly proposed space objects called synestias are large, spinning hunks of mostly vaporized rock. They look like a jelly-filled doughnut.

  11. Planetary Science

    New Horizons’ next target caught making a star blink

    The team behind the spacecraft that visited Pluto has seen its next quarry blocking the light from a distant star.

  12. Planetary Science

    Giant mud balls roamed the early solar system

    The first asteroids may have been great balls of mud, which would solve some puzzling features of meteorites.
