
  1. Astronomy

    Seeing very far away and hitting closer to home

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses the first-ever image of a black hole and what can be done to help young children with anxiety.

  2. Planetary Science

    Readers ponder Opportunity’s future, animal consciousness and more

    Readers had questions about NASA’s Opportunity rover, pollen shapes and more.

  3. Planetary Science

    Mercury has a massive solid inner core

    The distribution of Mercury’s mass and small stutters in the planet’s spin suggest it has a giant solid inner core.

  4. Physics

    The M87 black hole image showed the best way to measure black hole masses

    The first image of M87’s black hole suggests it is 6.5 billion times the mass of the sun — close to what was expected based on how stars move around it.

  5. Chemistry

    The first type of molecule to form in the universe has been seen in space

    The chemistry of the universe began with helium hydride. Scientists have just seen it in outer space for the first time.

  6. Planetary Science

    A 2014 meteor may have come from another solar system

    Scientists have identified a possible interstellar meteor, and think it could be one of millions that have visited Earth over the planet’s history.

  7. Planetary Science

    Meteor showers dig up water on the moon

    Meteorites release water from the moon’s soil, hinting that the moon has water buried all across its surface.

  8. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s moon Titan sports phantom hydrocarbon lakes

    Three lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan have pulled a vanishing act, a study finds.

  9. Science & Society

    Black hole image validates imagining the unimaginable

    Human creativity conjured up the most extreme of astronomical phenomena long before they could be seen.

  10. Planetary Science

    Israel’s first moon mission lost moments before landing

    The spacecraft’s engine cut out just before it was to touch down in the Sea of Serenity.

  11. Astronomy

    Meet one of the first scientists to see the historic black hole image

    Kazunori Akiyama was one of the first scientists to see the black hole snapshot.

  12. Astronomy

    How scientists took the first picture of a black hole

    Here’s how scientists connected eight observatories across the world to create one Earth-sized telescope in order to create an image of a black hole.
