
  1. Physics

    A star orbiting the Milky Way’s giant black hole confirms Einstein was right

    An oddity previously seen in Mercury’s orbit has been spotted in a star circling the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center.

  2. Space

    ‘Spacefarers’ predicts how space colonization will happen

    In Spacefarers, Christopher Wanjek provides an optimistic yet realistic view on how humans might colonize the rest of our solar system.

  3. Physics

    Stephen Wolfram’s hypergraph project aims for a fundamental theory of physics

    Simple rules generating complicated networks may be how to build the universe.

  4. Astronomy

    ‘Oumuamua might be a shard of a broken planet

    A new origin story for the solar system’s first known interstellar visitor suggests it may have been part of a world that got shredded by its star.

  5. Physics

    A year after the first black hole image, the EHT has been stymied by the coronavirus

    With this year’s observing run canceled due to the coronavirus, the Event Horizon Telescope team is analyzing data from 2017 and 2018.

  6. Space

    New search methods are ramping up the hunt for alien intelligence

    Six decades of radio silence hasn’t stopped scientists searching for intelligent life beyond Earth. In fact, new technologies are boosting efforts.

  7. Space

    ‘Alien Oceans’ argues the search for E.T. should include the outer solar system

    In Alien Oceans, a NASA scientist explores the evidence that ice-covered moons host hidden oceans, where life could evolve and thrive.

  8. Space

    Red giant stars that eat planets might shine less brightly

    Some stars may shine less brightly after ingesting a planet. That finding, if confirmed, could have implications for calculating cosmic distances.

  9. Space

    Saturn’s auroras may explain the planet’s weirdly hot upper atmosphere

    Data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft could help solve Saturn’s mysterious “energy crisis.”

  10. Quantum Physics

    Quantum mechanics means some black hole orbits are impossible to predict

    Computer simulations reveal that foreseeing the paths of three orbiting objects sometimes requires precision better than the quantum limit.

  11. Space

    Quasar winds with record energy levels were seen fleeing a distant galaxy

    The Hubble Space Telescope has seen the most energetic quasar winds yet, showing these active black holes can blow star-forming gas out of galaxies.

  12. Planetary Science

    If Pluto has a subsurface ocean, it may be old and deep

    New analyses of images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft suggest that Pluto may have had a sea beneath its icy shell for roughly 4.5 billion years.
