
  1. Space

    How the second known interstellar visitor makes ‘Oumuamua seem even odder

    With its gaseous halo and tail, the second discovered interstellar object, 2I/Borisov, looks basically like your run-of-the-mill solar system comet.

  2. Space

    A supermassive black hole shredded a star and was caught in the act

    Astronomers have gotten the earliest glimpse yet of a black hole ripping up a star, a process known as a tidal disruption event.

  3. Space

    With 20 new moons, Saturn now has the most of any solar system planet

    The discovery brings Saturn’s moon tally to 82. The previous record-holder, Jupiter, has 79.

  4. Physics

    Physics Nobel awarded for discoveries about the universe’s evolution and exoplanets

    Three scientists share the 2019 Nobel Prize in physics for revealing what makes up our cosmos and for finding the first planet orbiting a sunlike star.

  5. Cosmology

    A new book explores how the concept of the multiverse has evolved

    Tom Siegfried, author of ‘The Number of the Heavens,’ discusses what the multiverse has meant to great thinkers throughout history.

  6. Space

    Why just being in the habitable zone doesn’t make exoplanets livable

    A reignited debate over whether a new planet is habitable highlights the difficult science of seeking alien life.

  7. Space

    A new image reveals the structure of the cosmic web

    Newly spotted tendrils of gas within a forming cluster of galaxies support scientists’ theory of the cosmos.

  8. Science & Society

    This year’s SN 10 enjoy the journey, not just the discovery

    Meet 10 young researchers who combine persistence and passion to make headway on science’s big questions.

  9. Chemistry

    Brett McGuire searches space for the chemistry of life

    The complex molecules Brett McGuire has discovered in interstellar space may point to the origins of carbon-based life.

  10. Space

    ‘Imagined Life’ envisions the odd critters of other planets

    The authors of ‘Imagined Life’ rely on science to sketch out what kind of organisms might exist on exoplanets.

  11. Space

    NASA’s new black hole visualizations showcase how gravity warps light

    Images from computer simulations highlight how the extreme gravity of a black hole tampers with light rays emanating from its accretion disk to create weird patterns.

  12. Space

    This fast radio burst shined a light on a galaxy’s mysterious gas halo

    A lucky alignment let astronomers probe one galaxy’s diffuse gas using a brief, bright blast from a more distant galaxy.
