
  1. Space

    The first U.S. lunar lander since 1972 touches down on the moon

    Odysseus, the first spacecraft to land on the moon since NASA’s Apollo 17, ended up tipped on its side but it appears to be operating OK.

  2. Planetary Science

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx nabbed over 120 grams of space rocks from asteroid Bennu

    After being stymied by two stuck screws, NASA finally accessed a trove of Bennu asteroid bits. Mission scientist Harold Connolly tells what’s next.

  3. Space

    How to build an internet on Mars

    Future Red Planet inhabitants will need new ways to connect, including improved relay networks and an offshoot internet.

  4. Space

    How ‘Our Moon’ shaped life on Earth and human history

    Science News reviews Rebecca Boyle’s new wide-ranging book, which tells the story of the moon and its relationship with the inhabitants of Earth.

  5. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon might contain a hidden ocean

    A fresh look at Cassini data reveals slight changes in the tiny moon’s orbit that suggest the presence of a vast ocean beneath the satellite’s icy shell.

  6. Planetary Science

    An asteroid may have exploded over Antarctica about 2.5 million years ago

    Tiny spherules of rock found in Antarctic ice may point to the oldest known “airburst,” or midair disintegration of an incoming asteroid.

  7. Planetary Science

    Bacteria that can make humans sick could survive on Mars

    Experiments suggest that common illness-causing microbes could not only survive on the Red Planet but also might be able to thrive.

  8. Planetary Science

    NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter officially ends its mission on Mars

    NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter suffered damage during a recent flight and has ended its mission on Mars after nearly three years on the Red Planet.

  9. Space

    Astronomers have snapped a new photo of the black hole in galaxy M87

    The Event Horizon Telescope image shows material around the black hole has moved, but other aspects remain the same, proving Einstein is right again.

  10. Astronomy

    Astronomers are puzzled over an enigmatic companion to a pulsar

    The strange entity has a mass between that of a neutron star and a black hole. It’s either one or the other or something else entirely.

  11. Space

    The strongest known fast radio burst has been traced to a 7-galaxy pileup

    The galactic smashup, located 11 billion light-years from Earth, could have triggered star formation and also odd flares like the fast radio burst.

  12. Space

    Why the 2024 total solar eclipse will be such a big deal

    The sun will be very active during the next solar eclipse to cross North America, making it an excellent viewing and scientific opportunity.
