
  1. Astronomy

    Measuring a black hole’s mass isn’t easy. A new technique could change that

    The timing of flickers in the gas and dust in a black hole’s accretion disk correlates to its mass, a new study finds.

  2. Space

    A lunar magnetic field may have lasted for only a short time

    New analyses of Apollo-era lunar rocks suggest that any magnetosphere that the moon ever had endured for no more than 500 million years.

  3. Physics

    A bounty of potential gravitational wave events hints at exciting possibilities

    Of about 1,200 possible events, most are probably false alarms, but some could be ripples in spacetime that are especially hard to spot.

  4. Physics

    Black holes born with magnetic fields quickly shed them

    New computer simulations show one way that black holes might discard their magnetic fields.

  5. Astronomy

    A super-short gamma-ray burst defies astronomers’ expectations

    A faraway eruption of gamma rays that lasted for only a second had a surprising origin: the implosion of a massive star.

  6. Astronomy

    The tiny dot in this image may be the first look at exomoons in the making

    New ALMA observations offer some of the strongest evidence yet that planets around other stars have moons.

  7. Space

    How do scientists calculate the age of a star?

    There are a few different methods to determine the age of a star, but none are perfect.

  8. Planetary Science

    Marsquakes reveal the Red Planet boasts a liquid core half its diameter

    Analyses of seismic waves picked up by NASA’s InSight lander shed new light on the planet’s core and give clues to the thickness of the crust.

  9. Planetary Science

    NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has begun its first science campaign

    Now about 1 kilometer south of its landing spot, the rover has spotted several promising spots in its search for hints of ancient life.

  10. Planetary Science

    A century of astronomy revealed Earth’s place in the universe

    The past century of astronomy has been a series of revolutions, each one kicking Earth a bit farther to the margins.

  11. Astronomy

    The latest picture of a black hole captures Centaurus A’s massive jets

    Data from the Event Horizon Telescope reveal new details of jets spewing from the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy Centaurus A.

  12. Planetary Science

    Lakes of liquid water at Mars’ southern ice cap may just be mirages

    In 2018, scientists found evidence for water lakes sitting beneath the southern Martian ice cap. New evidence suggests the lakes might not exist.
