
  1. Astronomy

    A chance to point Hubble

    Get out your heavenly wish list: Astronomers working with the Hubble Space Telescope are soliciting suggestions for where to point the orbiting observatory this summer.

  2. Astronomy

    A possible signal from Polar Lander

    Astronomers may have heard a faint signal from the vanished Mars Polar Lander spacecraft last month but, as of mid-February, have not detected another.

  3. Planetary Science

    Tryst in space: Craft, asteroid rendezvous

    On Valentine's Day, the NEAR spacecraft cozied up to the asteroid 433 Eros, becoming the first craft to orbit a tiny body.

  4. Astronomy

    X-Ray Chaos: Violence shows itself in a nearby galaxy

    New X-ray observations provide additional evidence that Centaurus A, the nearest radio-wave-emitting galaxy to Earth that has a supermassive black hole, is a maelstrom of violence.

  5. Astronomy

    Revved-Up Universe

    Astronomers are busy testing the seemingly bizarre notion that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

  6. Astronomy

    Solar magnetism: Memories are made of this

    Despite all its upheavals, the sun's magnetic field has a built-in memory, allowing it to return to its original position and configuration.

  7. Astronomy

    Milky Way gets a new layer

    Astronomers propose that 150 billion corpses of sunlike stars may blanket the visible disk of the galaxy.

  8. Astronomy

    Visible Matter: Once lost but now found

    New observations confirm that most of the visible matter in the universe lies hidden in vast, hard-to-detect gas clouds between galaxies.

  9. Astronomy

    Icy Split: Comet fragments into 19 pieces

    A comet has split into 19 fragments strung out along a million-kilometer-long chain.

  10. Astronomy

    Cosmic Twist: X’s may mark spots where black holes merge

    If whacked by a companion black hole, a big, jet-emitting black hole may spew superhot plasma in a new, crosswise direction.

  11. Astronomy

    An assault on comets

    Over the next few years, a trio of comet missions, one of which was launched recently, promises to provide the closet look yet at the core of these icy relics from the formation of the solar system.

  12. Astronomy

    Moveable Feast: Milky Way dines on its neighbors

    Astronomers have found new evidence that the Milky Way is a cannibal, devouring streams of stars from its nearest galactic neighbors.
