
  1. Astronomy

    Black Hole Bully: Galaxy blasts its smaller neighbor

    A distant galaxy is shooting a deadly jet of radiation at a neighboring galaxy, astronomers have observed.

  2. Astronomy

    Run of the Mill: Finding galactic building blocks in early universe

    Astronomers have discovered 27 faint, run-of-the-mill galaxies from the early universe that may be some of the building blocks of giant galaxies such as the Milky Way.

  3. Astronomy

    Stellar Opposites: Sky survey reveals new halo of stars

    The Milky Way galaxy possesses a distinct outer halo that orbits in the opposite direction from its inner halo and the rest of the galaxy.

  4. Planetary Science

    A sunlike star’s early development

    A new infrared portrait of an embryonic sunlike star reveals an early, crucial step in the process of planet formation.

  5. Planetary Science

    Sister Planet: Mission to Venus reveals watery past

    The Venus Express probe has found evidence that Venus once had more water than it does today, and has provided new measurements of the weather on Venus, proof of lightning on the planet, and signs of a formerly unknown hot spot near its south pole.

  6. Astronomy

    One star, five planets

    With the discovery of a fifth planet circling the nearby star 55 Cancri, astronomers have found the most abundant—and heaviest—planetary system beyond the sun's.

  7. Astronomy

    Flare-Up: Comet Holmes’ surprise bloom

    Comet 17P/Holmes abruptly brightened last month, blossoming into a naked eye object.

  8. Astronomy

    Ray Tracing: Energetic cosmic rays linked to giant black holes

    New observations suggest that ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays originate in the cores of nearby galaxies harboring supermassive black holes.

  9. Planetary Science

    Chilled Out? Ice could lurk beneath Martian equator

    An immense volume of ice-rich material may underlie a formation that extends about one-quarter of the way around Mars' equator.

  10. Astronomy

    Gammas from Heaven

    An orbiting gamma-ray observatory, set for launch next spring, will seek out the most violent events in the cosmos.

  11. Astronomy

    Odd Couples: Big black holes challenge star theory

    The discovery of a black hole almost 16 times as massive as the sun, and the possible discovery of an even heavier one, challenge theories of how such black holes form.

  12. Astronomy

    Record-breaking supernova

    A newly discovered supernova, 100 billion times as bright as the sun, is the most luminous ever recorded.
