
  1. Space

    Dark energy constantly with us

    New X-ray and visible-light observations of the growth of galaxy groups and clusters are offering confirming evidence for the existence of dark energy and suggest that it may resemble the cosmological constant. 

  2. Tech

    Holiday Gifts: Blog Sites

    Sample other blogs and let us know of notables that we missed that are also worth sharing.

  3. Space

    Astronomers zero in on Milky Way’s black hole

    Astronomers report a new value for the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s center.

  4. Space

    Reading ripples in the cosmic microwave background

    Researchers analyzing the wiggles imprinted on the cosmic microwave background, the radiation leftover from the Big Bang, have now demonstrated that those wiggles can be used to find the fingerprints of dark energy.

  5. Space

    New window on the high-energy universe

    New telescope finds that the high-energy share of gamma-ray bursts arrive at Earth significantly later than the low-energy portion.

  6. Space

    First detection of carbon dioxide in an exoplanet

    Moving one step closer to finding the fingerprints of life in a habitable planet beyond the solar system, astronomers have for the first time detected carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet.

  7. Space

    Meteorites could have thickened primordial soup

    New experiments show that extraterrestrial impacts that occurred early in our planet's history could have created the raw materials for life.

  8. Astronomy

    Stargazing Basics: Getting Started in Recreational Astronomy by Paul E. Kinzer

    Cambridge Univ., 2008, 147 p., $19.99.

  9. Earth

    The Hunt for Habitable Planets

    Here and now, a new suite of small telescopes are poised to look for Earthlike planets beyond the solar system.

  10. Space

    First LHC proton collisions postponed further

    The world’s most powerful atom smasher won’t reopen for business until the end of June at the earliest, rather than in April as scientists had previously estimated.

  11. Space

    Martian stairs suggest predictable ancient climate

    Tilt in Mars' axis could have created stair-stepped rock formations long ago.

  12. Space

    Debates over definition of planet continue and inspire

    Planetary science is in the midst of a revolution. As recently as the early 1990s, “the planets” consisted of just nine famous objects in our solar system that every school kid learned to recognize by name and appearance. But then, advances in astronomical technology unleashed an explosion of new planetary discoveries on two fronts. One […]
