
  1. Space

    Black hole may construct its own galactic home

    Observations of a ‘homeless’ quasar suggest new ideas for galaxy formation.

  2. Space

    Star outweighed any known in Milky Way

    A nearby supernova was a big blast, challenging theories of how massive stars live and die.

  3. Space

    World’s biggest atom smasher sets first record

    After a year’s delay, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, became the world’s highest energy particle accelerator on November 30, revving up each of its twin proton beams to energies of 1.18 trillion electron volts.

  4. Earth

    Deep hole spotted on moon

    The feature may be a ‘skylight’ in an underground lava tube.

  5. Space

    Sun may not be a ‘Goldilocks’ star

    The stars that are just right to support life-bearing planets might be dimmer and longer-lived than the sun.

  6. Space

    Revving up particles in the cosmos

    Newly recorded gamma rays from a microquasar may reveal how the black holes or neutron stars powering them can accelerate particles to enormous energies.

  7. Space

    Moon crash reveals crater held water

    Plume of lunar material contained roughly 25 gallons of vapor and ice.

  8. Space

    Chemical fingerprint found for planet hunting

    The amount of lithium in the atmosphere of sunlike stars is a powerful indicator of whether such stars have planets, a new study reveals.

  9. Space

    The Milky Way, aglow with activity

    Combining infrared and X-ray images from three orbiting observatories, NASA has unveiled a never-before-seen composite portrait of the Milky Way’s bustling center.

  10. Space

    Signature of antimatter detected in lightning

    The signature of positrons has been found for the first time in gamma rays associated with storms on Earth.

  11. Space

    A little bit of gamma-ray music

    BLOG: Art and science meld during a musical performance for the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

  12. Space

    Gamma-ray sources guide astronomers to pulsars

    Gamma-ray emissions are providing a guide to finding the compact, rapidly rotating remnants of massive stars known as pulsars.
