
  1. Space

    Ancient dawn’s early light refines age of universe

    Satellite images reveal new aspects of Big Bang’s relic radiation.

  2. Space

    Mars rover Spirit still running, but only in place

    Six years into its 90-day mission, NASA’s rover becomes a lander

  3. Space

    New-star shine wearing off in nearby galaxy

    A galactic collision a billion years ago may have halted stellar formation by exhausting gaseous building blocks.

  4. Astronomy

    Astronomy Meeting Highlights

    Follow the links below for Science News' complete coverage of the American Astronomical Society meeting held January 3–7, 2010 in Washington, D.C.

  5. Space

    Supernova winds blow galaxies into shape

    A new simulation that combines supernova winds with the mysterious material known as cold dark matter almost perfectly accounts for the structure of dwarf galaxies in nearby reaches of the universe.

  6. Space

    Saving the Earth with dynamical simulations

    A new model suggests how protoplanets kept a safe distance from the sun.

  7. Space

    Gamma-ray burst may reveal some of oldest dust in the universe

    Remote flash may have uncovered supernova-generated dust from just 1 billion years after the Big Bang

  8. Space

    WISE sees its first stars

    NASA's new infrared observatory is ready for action.

  9. Space

    Not too soon to announce possible earliest galaxies known

    BLOG: Press briefing fails to announce preliminary findings of what could be the most distant galaxies seen yet.

  10. Space

    Comets don’t all start out on the fringe

    A new model suggests that comets also come from the inner Oort Cloud and offers a way to resolve a massive problem about the early solar system.

  11. Space

    Hubble goes deep and wide for new view of galaxies

    A newly released multiwavelength image portrays 12 billion years of cosmic history, depicting the assembly of galaxies in unprecedented detail.

  12. Space

    Parting Eta Carinae’s clouds reveals more clouds

    New images show the nearby star system's inner beauty.
