
  1. Space

    Geophysicists push age of Earth’s magnetic field back 250 million years

    South African rocks suggest that the earliest stages of life on Earth were protected from harmful solar radiation.

  2. Space

    Spirit: ‘The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated’

    The Mars rover makes a small, but promising, move.

  3. Space

    Lopsided stellar disks help black holes guzzle gas

    Theorists have found a new recipe for feeding the supermassive centers of galaxies.

  4. Space

    Shaving extra dimensions

    More news from the American Physical Society meeting.

  5. Physics

    Hogan’s noise

    A cosmologist suggests a novel way to uncover the nature of spacetime on the smallest scales.

  6. Astronomy

    Saturn moon could be hospitable to life, new images suggest

    Cassini spacecraft sees evidence for liquid water beneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

  7. Space

    Study raises questions about supernova origins

    X-ray observations of the explosions could shift measurements of the mysterious entity known as dark energy.

  8. Astronomy

    Black hole as a peephole

    The galaxy’s central supermassive black hole could smear light to reveal extra dimensions.

  9. Space

    Powerful collider set to smash protons

    The Large Hadron Collider will operate at only half its maximum energy for the next 2 years.

  10. Space

    Bouncing sands explain Mars’ rippled surface

    A new study finds that dunes and ridges can form without much wind on the Red Planet.

  11. Space

    A new VISTA on stellar birthplace

    A high-resolution panoramic image of the Orion star-forming region bodes well for the success of a new telescope dedicated to surveying large areas of the cosmos at infrared wavelengths.

  12. Space

    Pluto blushes red

    Newly released Hubble images of Pluto show an abrupt and unexplained color change.
