
  1. Space

    Planets in nearby system are off-kilter, measurements show

    New observations shatter the notion that other planetary systems have the same flattened, disclike arrangement of orbits that rings the sun.

  2. Earth

    Gravity lows mark burial sites of ancient tectonic plates

    Dips in Earth's gravitational field are tied to 'slab graveyards'

  3. Astronomy

    Fast-moving star is a really big loser

    The cosmic bullies that sent 30 Doradus 016 reeling must be even bigger, possibly upping the theoretical maximum heft of today’s stars.

  4. Space

    Asteroid-bound: Scientists look for worthy rock

    Scientists consider how to pick a prime asteroid for human exploration

  5. Space

    New Hubble pictures suggest Milky Way fell together

    A preliminary analysis appears to strike a blow against the prevailing theory of galaxy formation.

  6. Space

    Measuring the weakest of forces

    Precise measurements could be used to map tiny fluctuations in the surface properties of materials.

  7. Space

    Mediterranean microfossils offer hope for finding life on Mars

    A discovery in sulfate minerals on Earth suggests the possibility of similar signs of life on the Red Planet.

  8. Space

    Frozen asteroid

    Scientists publish two new studies showing evidence of ice on object in asteroid belt.

  9. Space

    Life in the sticky lane

    Tropical asphalt lake could be analog for extraterrestrial microbial habitat.

  10. Astronomy

    Hubble’s new instant classic

    NASA has released a stunning image of a nearby star-forming region to celebrate the telescope's 20th birthday.

  11. Space

    Solar-staring spacecraft captures novel views of sun’s violence

    NASA has released the first images recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the first craft to examine the sun’s entire disk at high resolution and over a multitude of wavelengths.

  12. Space

    Not your grandfather’s space program

    President Obama offers a new plan that would send humans to orbit Mars during the mid-2030s.
