
  1. Space

    First stars may still shine

    Simulations suggest some slow-burning remnants of the early universe may still exist.

  2. Space

    Spacecraft sees signs of 1,200-plus worlds

    The Kepler mission releases information on hundreds of newly discovered candidate planets beyond the solar system, including about 50 that could be habitable.

  3. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    Evidence gets stronger that Mars once held an ocean, plus more in this week’s news.

  4. Space

    A galaxy far, far, far away

    The Hubble space telescope has observed what may be the most distant celestial object ever observed 13.2 billion light-years from Earth.

  5. Space

    Fresh pics of Mars’ groovy moon

    New close-up images of Phobos will help determine the landing site for the first craft slated to touch down there.

  6. Physics

    Tevatron to shut down in September

    Citing a lack of funds, the U.S. Department of Energy has essentially pulled out of the race to make the next great discovery in particle physics.

  7. Space

    Neighboring black hole puts on weight

    Galaxy M87's massive heart weighs as much as 6.6 billion suns.

  8. Space

    Planck telescope finds cold, weird wonders

    Survey's first results reveal the largest galaxy clusters and most frigid objects found in universe so far.

  9. Space

    Today’s weather: thunder and antimatter beams

    Positrons appear to be common in terrestrial lightning storms.

  10. Space

    New planet small but tough

    Astronomers have confirmed a rocky planet outside the solar system for the first time.

  11. Space

    Superhot solar mystery may be solved

    Jets of hot gas heat the sun’s nebulous outer atmosphere to millions of degrees, well above the temperature on the surface, a new study suggests.

  12. Space

    South Pole neutrino detector complete

    Scientists lower the last of more than 5,000 sensors into the Antarctic ice, completing the mile-deep IceCube observatory.
