
  1. Space

    Mars shows signs of recent activity

    The surface of Mars had abundant liquid water as well as volcanic activity during the past 100 million years, a new study of the Martian atmosphere suggests.

  2. Astronomy

    Mars organics get new lease on life

    More than three decades after the Viking mission failed to find compounds necessary for carbon-based life, a new analysis suggests they could actually be present at detectable levels in the planet’s soil.

  3. Space

    Changing one of nature’s constants

    A controversial new study suggests that an immutable value that governs the strength of the electromagnetic force varies along different directions.

  4. Space

    Still no Earths, but getting closer

    Two newly discovered planetary systems shed light on the likelihood of producing terrestrial planets.

  5. Space

    Solar system older than estimated

    A meteorite’s age has pushed back the estimated time of the solar system’s formation by almost 2 million years.

  6. Space

    Moon shrinks

    New pictures expand evidence of the moon’s shrinkage over the past billion years.

  7. Planetary Science

    Worldwide slowdown in plant carbon uptake

    A decade of droughts has stifled the increasing growth of terrestrial vegetation.

  8. Space

    Mining for Missing Matter

    In underground lairs, physicists look for the dark stuff.

  9. Astronomy

    Celestial wish list

    A panel of astronomers ranks proposed astrophysics projects for the coming decade.

  10. Space

    Twinkle, twinkle, little dot

    A faint object was once thought to be the first extrasolar planet to be photographed. Then it wasn’t. But now it may go down in the history books after all.

  11. Tech

    The people’s pulsar

    Thousands of volunteers help discover a neutron star by donating the processing power in their idle home computers.

  12. Space

    Warning for solar flares

    Microwave bursts may serve as warning shots.
