Atom & Cosmos
Dead stars may actually be a good place to hunt for life, plus organic-free asteroids and watery comets in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Planets take shape in embryonic gas clouds
A new theory of planetary formation may explain variety seen in extrasolar searches.
By Ron Cowen -
Atom & Cosmos
Ancient galaxies are found in a surprisingly full-grown state, plus stellar hearts and Mars’ rocky past in this week’s news.
By Science News -
Laser proposed to deflect space junk
A ground-based device would use light to push debris off a collision course.
By Ron Cowen -
MESSENGER eases into Mercury’s orbit
After three flybys, a NASA spacecraft settles in for a closer look at the first planet.
By Ron Cowen -
Chernobyl’s lessons for Japan
Radioactive iodine released by the Chernobyl nuclear accident has left a legacy of thyroid cancers among downwinders — one that shows no sign of diminishing. The new data also point to what could be in store if conditions at Japan’s troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power complex continue to sour.
By Janet Raloff -
Radiation: Japan’s third crisis
As if the magnitude-9 earthquake on March 11 and killer tsunami weren’t enough, a new round of aftershocks — psychological ones over fear of radiation — are rocking Japan and its neighbors.
By Janet Raloff -
New study gives dark energy a boost
Measurements provide further evidence for a cosmic push that is accelerating the expansion of the universe.
By Ron Cowen -
Meteorites may hold fossils from space — or not
Skepticism greets claim that three space rocks may contain microfossils of extraterrestrial bacteria.
By Ron Cowen -
Atom & Cosmos
Buckyballs may abound in space, plus the latest on planets and solar siblings in this week's news.
By Science News -
The best next space missions
The National Research Council issues recommendations for planetary science projects that NASA and NSF should fund starting in 2013.
By Ron Cowen