
  1. Space

    Flying on Sunshine

    Once futuristic visions, solar sails now take off.

  2. Space

    Asteroid sample nails meteorite source

    Dust returned from space by the Hayabusa mission shows where most space rocks landing on Earth originate.

  3. Astronomy

    Galactic bull’s-eye came naturally

    A strange cosmic object isn't the result of a galactic crash, a new study suggests.

  4. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    White dwarfs' last dance and predicting sunspots in this week's news.

  5. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    Glimmers of dark matter in the Milky Way, galaxies giving birth and more in this week’s news.

  6. Tech

    Growing need for space trash collectors

    On April 2, for the fifth time in less than three years, the International Space Station fired its engines to dodge a piece of orbital debris that appeared on a collision path. Other spacecraft also regularly scoot out of the way of rocket and satellite debris. Such evasive action will be needed increasingly frequently, a new study finds.

  7. Planetary Science

    White dwarfs gobble Earthlike treats

    Astronomers have found elements in the dead stars’ atmospheres that suggest rocky planetary bodies once orbited the stars.

  8. Physics

    Particle physicists chasing ghosts

    Wispy neutrinos could one day explain why matter dominates the universe.

  9. Chemistry

    Meteorites contain chemicals linked to life

    Space rocks could have delivered DNA building blocks to Earth.

  10. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    Oxygen molecules in space, Earth’s second moon, a mission to Jupiter and more in this week’s news.

  11. Space

    New hints of saltwater on Mars

    Seasonal patterns consistent with briny seeps on the Red Planet, a new study concludes.

  12. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    Trojan asteroids, black hole interactions and a gargantuan watering hole in this week’s news.
