
  1. Space

    Smallest planet yields big surprises

    Spacecraft images reveal Mercury has a complicated inside and an active geologic past.

  2. Humans

    Proposed cuts in planetary science take center stage

    NASA officials endure slings and arrows of outraged researchers.

  3. Space

    Titan’s haze is dropping

    Change in elevation of cloudy layer suggests seasonal cycles on Saturn’s moon.

  4. Space

    Ancient impact may explain moon’s magnetic mystery

    Anomalies near crater suggest scattering of iron-rich debris.

  5. Space

    Galactic smashup leaves dark matter debris

    Find in ‘train wreck’ cluster forces astronomers to re-think theories about relationship between mysterious dark matter and galaxies.

  6. Physics

    Water not so squishy under pressure

    In planets' cores, molecules may not compress tightly.

  7. Space

    Aura of life captured in Earthshine

    Light from Earth reflected off the moon contains the kind of information that could prove useful in the characterization of faraway exoplanets.

  8. Physics

    Loose cable blamed for speedy neutrinos

    In uncovering a technical flaw, physicists now know why an experimental result that couldn’t have been true wasn’t.

  9. Astronomy

    Distant planet an exotic water-world

    Orb is unlike anything in the solar system.

  10. Astronomy

    Gravitational lens

    grah-vih-TAY-shun-al LENZ n.

  11. Physics

    Crystals may be possible in time as well as space

    A theory proposes that objects in their lowest energy state can loop through the fourth dimension forever, much as atoms arrange themselves periodically in matter.

  12. Space

    Visible echoes reprise 19th century spectacle

    By capturing light that arrived from a stellar eruption more than 150 years ago, astronomers gain clues to its cause.
