
  1. Space

    Earth took a multibillion-year beating

    Asteroids pummeled the planet for billions of years as the Late Heavy Bombardment tapered off, new estimates suggest.

  2. Astronomy

    Dark matter search turns up empty

    New calculations suggest dearth of invisible substance in solar neighborhood.

  3. Space

    Hunt for cosmic ray source falls short

    After failure to detect neutrinos from gamma-ray bursts, scientists might need to revise theories.

  4. Space

    Tall, devilish storm skids across Mars’ surface

    Probe captures 20-kilometer dust devil in action.

  5. Astronomy

    When solar storms pummel Earth, there’s usually no need to panic

  6. Space

    Planets’ gravity tidies stellar ring

    The vast dust disk around the star Fomalhaut hints at a pair of orbiting bodies.

  7. Space

    The Newtonian physics (or not) of Angry Birds Space

    Experts weigh in on the basic principles featured in the game’s universe.

  8. Physics

    Highlights from the American Physical Society April Meeting, Atlanta

    String theory’s take on the Higgs, newborn pulsars may have iron by-products, and coupled neutrons in beryllium nuclei revealed.

  9. Astronomy

    New data support Einstein on accelerating universe

    New measurements of distant galaxies support Einstein’s cosmological constant as the explanation for the universe’s accelerating expansion.

  10. Chemistry

    Life’s building blocks grow close to home

    Chemical reactions in the early solar system create complex organic molecules.

  11. Planetary Science

    Highlights from the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 19-23

    Geologic activity and weather on Saturnian moons, and studies in Greenland to learn about Mars.

  12. Space

    Vesta seems more planet than asteroid

    Spacecraft explorations reveal a layered, beat-up celestial body.
