
  1. Space

    Comet’s water still hanging around on Jupiter

    Shoemaker-Levy 9 supplied almost all of aqueous part of the planet's upper atmosphere.

  2. Space

    American Physical Society meeting

    A supernova’s remnants possibly showing up in fossils and an explanation for the Crab Nebula are among highlights from the physics meeting.

  3. Astronomy

    Most Earthlike planets yet seen bring Kepler closer to its holy grail

    Space telescope finds globes that, compared with our world, are slightly larger and orbit a smaller star.

  4. Planetary Science

    Faint Young Sun

    Scientists struggle to understand how early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water.

  5. Cosmology

    Dark matter detector reports hints of WIMPs

    Experiment hundreds of meters underground detects three candidate signs of dark matter, though physicists are cautious about the finding.

  6. Space

    Dying star goes out in style

    Day-Glo green planetary nebula captured by Very Large Telescope.

  7. Tech

    Ignition Failed

    How America’s latest attempt at fusion power fizzled.

  8. Physics

    Cosmic ray detector confirms hints of dark matter

    Space station-based instrument records high amount of antimatter seen in earlier experiments.

  9. Physics

    Universe is a teeny bit older than thought

    Planck satellite reveals information from just after the Big Bang, largely confirming scientists' theories.

  10. Planetary Science

    Distant planets’ atmospheres revealed

    Telescopes get first direct glimpse of gases on exoplanets.

  11. Planetary Science

    Life-friendly environment confirmed on Mars

    Drill sample from bedrock reveals chemistry that could have supported microbial life.

  12. Planetary Science

    When an asteroid heads for Earth, it’s time to reconsider those doomsday plans
