
  1. Planetary Science

    Gone perhaps, but Kepler won’t soon be forgotten

    Astronomers look forward to building on the planet-hunting telescope's discoveries.

  2. Space

    Kepler mission may be over

    The planet-hunting telescope has been crippled by the failure of two out of four pointing devices.

  3. Space

    Moon’s water may have earthly origins

    Ratio of hydrogen to deuterium suggests molecule on both orbs has a common source.

  4. Space

    Atom’s core gets pear-shaped

    Tapering asymmetry of some nuclei confirms predictions.

  5. Space

    Snapshots reveal details of Saturn’s gigantic hurricane

    Storm dwarfs anything on Earth, with enormous eye and whipping winds.

  6. Space

    LHC detects asymmetry in particle’s decay

    While interesting, the imbalance in the decay of strange B mesons isn’t large enough to explain why matter predominates over antimatter in the universe.

  7. Space

    Comet’s water still hanging around on Jupiter

    Shoemaker-Levy 9 supplied almost all of aqueous part of the planet's upper atmosphere.

  8. Space

    American Physical Society meeting

    A supernova’s remnants possibly showing up in fossils and an explanation for the Crab Nebula are among highlights from the physics meeting.

  9. Astronomy

    Most Earthlike planets yet seen bring Kepler closer to its holy grail

    Space telescope finds globes that, compared with our world, are slightly larger and orbit a smaller star.

  10. Planetary Science

    Faint Young Sun

    Scientists struggle to understand how early Earth stayed warm enough for liquid water.

  11. Cosmology

    Dark matter detector reports hints of WIMPs

    Experiment hundreds of meters underground detects three candidate signs of dark matter, though physicists are cautious about the finding.

  12. Space

    Dying star goes out in style

    Day-Glo green planetary nebula captured by Very Large Telescope.
