
  1. Health & Medicine

    Long space missions may be hazardous to your sleep

    Crew on simulated Mars trip moved less and slept more during 520-day project.

  2. Space

    New Martian meteorite is one of a kind

    Rock is water-rich and resembles observed regions of Red Planet’s crust.

  3. Space

    Planets and their sun grow together

    Radio telescopes reveal how nascent bodies funnel gas to their parent star.

  4. Space

    The Real Story of Risk: Adventures in a Hazardous World by Glenn Croston

    A biologist explores why humans are poor at judging risk — fearing rare shark attacks, for example, more than common heart attacks. Prometheus, 2012, 276 p., $19

  5. Space

    Light in the Dark

    Scientists may be on the brink of identifying a mysterious form of matter.

  6. Space

    California meteorite a scientific gold mine

    Sutter’s Mill rock preserves rare, fresh material from outer space.

  7. Space

    News in brief: Possible planet looks habitable

    Astronomers find a body in the habitable zone of a nearby sunlike star by pushing the limits of detection.

  8. Space

    Moon probes set for smashing end

    NASA to guide gravity-seeking spacecraft into the side of a lunar cliff.

  9. Astronomy

    Mirror Earth

    The Search for Our Planet's Twin by Michael D. Lemonick.

  10. Cosmology

    Edge of the Universe

    A Voyage to the Cosmic Horizon and Beyond by Paul Halpern.

  11. Planetary Science

    Curiosity goes to Mars

    NASA’s rover looks for life-friendly environments.

  12. Astronomy

    Clutch of distant galaxies reveals the infant universe

    The Hubble telescope spies stars lighting up the cosmic dawn.
