
  1. Planetary Science

    Comet belt predicted near farthest planet

    Observations have confirmed the existence of the Kuiper Belt, first proposed in 1963.

  2. Astronomy

    Last gorge for galaxy’s central black hole gauged

    Relic light suggests the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's center was millions of times more active 2 million years ago.

  3. Astronomy

    Don’t worry, be grumpy and take nature’s cycles in stride

  4. Space

    Exploring Earth’s alien spaces

    Nathalie Cabrol, a planetary geologist and astrobiologist at the SETI Institute’s Carl Sagan Center and NASA’s Ames Research Center, both in Mountain View, Calif., hunts for alien life.

  5. Cosmology

    Huge Galactic Explosion

    An excerpt from the October 5, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.

  6. Planetary Science

    Mars rover fails to find methane

    A dearth of the gas in the Red Planet's atmosphere disappoints scientists looking for signs of biological activity.

  7. Planetary Science

    Cometlike crashes produce building blocks of life

    Amino acids in collision residue support importance of extraterrestrial impacts.

  8. Planetary Science

    Eclipsing the sun, from Mars

    NASA rover catches silhouette of Martian moon

  9. Astronomy

    At last, Voyager 1 slips into interstellar space

    Solar blast data provides definitive evidence that Voyager 1 has cruised beyond the heliosphere and into interstellar space.

  10. Astronomy

    Radio telescope images reveal nebula’s heart of carbon

    ALMA takes detailed look at elements surrounding dying star.

  11. Astronomy

    The sun’s older twin, 250 light-years away

    Almost twice as ancient, the distant star gives a glimpse of the sun's future.

  12. Planetary Science

    Titan becomes even more enigmatic

    Thick, rigid crust of ice encases Saturn's largest moon, perplexing scientists.
