
  1. Astronomy

    Comet ISON was punier than previously thought

    The ice ball was probably no wider than New York’s Central Park.

  2. Astronomy

    Galaxy’s cloud catalog reveals hydrogen fog

    Fifty percent of the molecular hydrogen exists in a gas layer that spreads throughout the Whirlpool galaxy and envelopes the giant clouds where stars form.

  3. Planetary Science

    Mars was habitable longer, more recently than thought

    Warmer, wetter conditions lasted until 3.5 billion years ago on the Red Planet.

  4. Astronomy

    Saturn’s six-sided cloud pattern gets a close look

    New images show particles in the planet’s hexagonally shaped jet stream.

  5. Astronomy

    Sun’s rotation driven by enormous plasma flows

    Long-lasting plasma flows 15 times the diameter of Earth transport heat from the sun’s depths to its surface, helping explain solar rotation.

  6. Astronomy

    ISON appears to have broken up after brush with sun

    Comet ISON has disintegrated in the sun’s intense heat and gravity, according to a growing consensus among astronomers.

  7. Planetary Science

    Moon wears dusty cloak

    Old data from Apollo missions stir up debate about speed of lunar dust accumulation.

  8. Planetary Science

    China’s first moon-landing mission blasts off

    If successful, the Chang’e 3 lunar lander and Yutu rover will be the first spacecraft to land on the moon in 37 years.

  9. Planetary Science

    Turbulent ocean could explain Europa’s chaotic ice

    New computer simulations show turbulent global ocean currents that distribute heat unevenly and could explain the formation of the chaotic ice patterns at the moon’s lower latitudes.

  10. Astronomy

    ISON seems to have survived close call with sun

    Comet ISON seems to have emerged from its brush with the sun diminished but intact, according to the latest reports.

  11. Astronomy

    Comet ISON approaches sun for Thanksgiving flyby

    On Thanksgiving, Comet ISON will pass near the sun and may disintegrate.

  12. Astronomy

    Dust cloud, tail could explain exoplanet’s odd light pattern

    KIC 12557548 b may be ejecting dust from its surface, creating a cometlike tail behind it and an opaque envelope of material around it.
