
  1. Astronomy

    Rare planet circles just one of a pair of stars

    A newly discovered exoplanet orbits one star in a binary pair and shows that planets can form even with a second sun nearby.

  2. Astronomy

    Young stars vibrate faster as they age

    Stellar pulsations provide a new way to gauge ages of infant stars.

  3. Astronomy

    Exoplanets once trumpeted as life-friendly may not exist

    Two exoplanets considered among the most promising for hosting life may not exist, a new study suggests.

  4. Planetary Science

    Titan’s origins linked to Oort cloud

    The building blocks of Titan may have formed in the early solar system, not from a warm disk around Saturn when the planet was young.

  5. Astronomy

    Magnetic bubbles could shield astronauts from radiation

    With help from plasma and a magnet, solar storms' dangers would lessen on long space trips.

  6. Astronomy


    Readers debate about what happens when an astronaut falls into a black hole, compare note-taking techniques, speculate on bat longevity and more.

  7. Life

    A new view of dinosaurs, a clearer view of lunar origins

  8. Astronomy

    NASA unveils space suit fit for Mars

    NASA’s newly revealed Z-2 space suit is the second mock-up of a suit that NASA hopes will eventually protect explorers walking on Mars or drilling into an asteroid.

  9. Astronomy

    Star-eating star spotted

    The first Thorne-Żytkow Object, a strange pair of stars where one engulfs the other, has been discovered.

  10. Astronomy

    Rare trio of supermassive black holes found

    Three supermassive black holes residing where two distant galaxies collide offer new clues about where to look for gravitational waves.

  11. Astronomy

    Milky Way galaxy’s dust clouds shown in 3-D map

    A new three-dimensional map of interstellar dust in the Milky Way wraps 180 degrees around the sky and extends over 16,000 light-years from Earth.

  12. Astronomy

    Galaxy seed found from 3 billion years after Big Bang

    A still-growing core of a galaxy in the early universe may help astronomers understand how massive elliptical galaxies get their start.
