
  1. Planetary Science

    Surprises lurk inside a Saturn moon

    NASA’s Cassini spacecraft finds possible ocean or football-shaped core inside Mimas.

  2. Planetary Science

    MAVEN gives first look at Mars’ escaping atmosphere

    Bits of Mars have been caught in the act of floating off into space.

  3. Quantum Physics

    Hawking radiation spotted within sonic black hole

    Lab-created sonic black hole emits energy as famed physicist Stephen Hawking predicted, though the experiment may not be definitive.

  4. Cosmology

    Answers to questions posed by cosmology to philosophy

    Tough questions about the philosophy of cosmology have answers; they just might not be right.

  5. Astronomy

    Nearby galaxy might explain what tore apart universe’s hydrogen

    A local galaxy is leaking enough ultraviolet light to ionize surrounding hydrogen, which could explain how the earliest galaxies transformed the universe.

  6. Astronomy

    High-energy radiation from stellar explosions explained

    The dance of a stellar duo might explain why some novas emit gamma rays.

  7. Chemistry

    Lasers wrest oxygen from carbon dioxide

    By zapping oxygen molecules off carbon dioxide, an experiment hints that Earth may have had breathable air long before the dawn of plants.

  8. Planetary Science

    Sun may make most of the water on moon’s surface

    A constant stream of particles from the sun bombarding the moon's surface may be the source of most lunar water.

  9. Animals


    Readers respond to jellyfish, goalkeeping and off-kilter planets.

  10. Planetary Science

    Asteroid impact did not form the moon’s largest plain

    The moon's vast flatland — called Oceanus Procellarum — may have been formed through tectonic-like activity billions of years ago, scientists say.

  11. Planetary Science

    Daily winds shift sands of Martian dune field

    Martian winds may stir the Red Planet's sands more often than scientists thought.

  12. Chemistry

    Interstellar chemical resembles building blocks of life

    A molecule detected in the space between stars resembles amino acids, suggesting those building blocks of life share a similar origin.
